
From a fresh new Vue CLI project

You just need to add VueNeue plugin with the Vue CLI:

vue add @vueneue/ssr


npm install -D @vueneue/vue-cli-plugin-ssr
vue invoke @vueneue/ssr

The plugin will modify bases files listed in Base files/code structure automatically, so, after installation, you're good to go !

From an existing project

If you have already started a project and you have moved some base files, you need to indicate where are placed your files that instanciate the Vue app, router, and the store.

You can do it in the neue.config.js file:

module.exports = {
  templatePath: 'src/vueneue/index.html' // HTML Template to render pages (relative to your project path)
  paths: {
    main: './src/main', // File where you do a new Vue
    router: './src/router', // File where you do a new Router
    store: './src/store', // File where you do a new Vuex.Store

Paths are relative to your project folder and you can use your Webpack resolve alias too.

These files needs to exports Vue, Router and Store instanciation via a factory function.

If they don't exists, this plugin will create them. When you are ready, you can add/install VueNeue plugin:

vue add @vueneue/ssr


npm install -D @vueneue/vue-cli-plugin-ssr
vue invoke @vueneue/ssr

Base files/code structure

Due to SSR behaviors you will see some changes on Vue app, router and store instanciation: plugin will use a factory function for them: Avoid Stateful Singletons


export default ({ router, store }) => {
  // router and store are create by plugin and
  // injected to this function
  return new Vue({
    render: h => h(App),


export default () => {
  return new Router({
    // In SSR mode we use the 'history' mode
    // for router to have clean URLs
    mode: process.ssr ? 'history' : 'hash',
    routes: [],


export default () => {
  return new Vuex.Store({
    state: {},
    mutations: {},
    actions: {
      // This action is called on each HTTP request
      // and will not be called in futures navigations
      async onHttpRequest({ commit }, { url }) {},

Finally the src/index.html is used to render page on server side:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html data-vue-meta-server-rendered data-html-attrs>


<body data-body-attrs>


All tags and attributes in this are required for this plugin work properly.